Friday, May 28, 2010

Camping Towels & Re-threading the Loom

I decided that the very colorful 10/2 perle cotton color blanket warp (for the color-blanket-that-won't-be) shouldn't go to waste even with a shredding black segment of the warp. It's 30" wide, you know.

I cut off the sampling web and put another reed in the batten. Instead of using a 24-dent reed, I put in the 10-dent and am sleying it 3-2-3-2-3-2-3-2-3. I've re-sleyed about 1/3 of the warp so far in 45 minutes of precious free time two nights ago.

I've been looking at possible tie-up and treadling combinations for the overshot threading. It should be *easy* to find one I like. But, I'm probably going to weave off one towel at least in the overshot pattern without tabby.

I picked some really lovely tropical beach towel colors in unmercerized 6/2 cotton (and some 8/2 cotton) that I had in my stash of yarn. I'm going to weave one towel in bright turquoise with some lipstick red and deep plum highlights on the ends. Maybe a couple of shots of orange in there too. If there's enough warp, I'll do a second towel with the deep plum and turquoise, light blue, and orange highlights on the ends.

I'm thinking about weaving a nice plain weave (even weave) for an inch or two on the ends so that I can embroider names on it after the towel comes off the loom and is washed.

I haven't been this excited about weaving in years. The idea of making something useful is like catnip. And I love working with cotton. I'd probably be happy enough just weaving plain old common dishtowels forever. (in uncommon colors and weave structures)

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