Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ode to Light

One of the biggest peeves about our new house is that the light in it is poor for craft work. Our old house was 90+ years old with windows taller than me that flooded the house with light. Tall ceilings, lots of windows, gentle bow windows. I miss that house more than you could imagine.

The new house, in the fabulous new neighborhood, was designed by trolls. Pretty spaces, but smaller windows, lots of shading trees, low ceilings, and no light.

Craft work requires light. A lot of light.

So, after whining about no light for a year, I bought lamps. And now I've bought more. The first set were to light up the living room and family room. The second set are in my studio (which is the only room in the house that gets light but it only gets it in the morning hours [when I'm at work]) and in the bedroom.

I put a decent light in the bedroom in the "sitting area" corner. I have my recliner there. And a handy shelf for needlework supplies. It's the clearest corner of the room because I'm sort of militant that nothing sits on the recliner but one of us. Last night, I put bulbs in the floor lamp. Two 150 watt bulbs and one 60 watt direct reading lamp on a snaky neck. And suddenly, I can actually *do* needlework in there. It's fabulous!

I dragged my favorite needlework stand upstairs (a System IV) with the Theresa Wentzler "Fortunate Traveller" piece on it. I read a book in my chair! Ahhh, the life.

On another note, the camping towel is proceeding. I have 27 pattern repeats in the body of the piece, each about 2" long. I'm done with 9 of the repeats now.

And the house is getting much cleaner and decluttered. Lots of time spent in decluttering.

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